
At Easy Pharmacy, we are now administering various vaccines to help protect our community's health. To find out which vaccines are currently available, we kindly ask you to call our store in Manville. Our knowledgeable staff will provide you with the necessary information and guidance.


Regarding the COVID-19 vaccine, we are actively monitoring its availability and will keep you updated on our website. In the meantime, we encourage you to fill out the vaccine scheduling form provided by the New Jersey government. This form will help you secure a vaccination appointment at various locations in NJ, including Easy Pharmacy. Please click on the link provided to access the form.


Once you receive notification of your vaccination date, kindly present the confirmation number to our pharmacy to receive your COVID-19 vaccine.


We want to emphasize that the COVID-19 vaccine is provided free of charge as per the government's guidelines.


For additional information about vaccines, we invite you to visit our Resources page, where you can find valuable information about different vaccines and their benefits.


Thank you for your cooperation and commitment to the health and safety of our community. Please stay safe, and we look forward to serving you at Easy Pharmacy.